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Infants | Toddlers | Preschool | Pre-Kindergarten | School Age | Summer Camp (Ages 3-5) | Summer Camp (Ages 5-12) | Wellness & Nutrition | Accreditation


Pre-K students learn through a variety of stimulating, hands-on experiences, all designed to advance their development and prepare them for kindergarten. Our Pre-K program goals are aligned with state learning standards, ensuring that our curriculum builds the skills that children need for future academic success. Above all else, our teachers are responsive to children’s varying needs and abilities, which builds each child’s confidence and instills a love of learning!

Teachers maintain an assessment portfolio for each child, which tracks developmental progress using photographs, checklists and work samples. Portfolios are stored in the classroom with their journals, alphabet books, and other ‘work in progress’ — these materials are always available for parents to review. We understand that early years are learning years!

In addition to our traditional Pre-K program, participating centers partner with school districts to provide UPK, VPK or Pre-K Counts programs. Students who participate at our centers enjoy joint enrollment in Wrap Around, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of a full doodle day. Students who attend other community-based organizations are welcome to enroll in Wrap Around only, allowing Doodle Bugs! high-interest, fun-filled program to supplement the district's half-day session.

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