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See it to Believe It! | Safety & Security | Convenience | Health | Doodleville | Virtual Tour


100% of parents surveyed appreciate the cleanliness of our centers! We understand that cleanliness is a necessary first step in maintaining a healthy environment, and it shows. In addition to daily cleaning and sanitation routines, we employ a full-time maintenance crew that is focused on deep cleaning and equipment maintenance.

Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Each center is equipped with an AED. In the unlikely event that a child may need an AED, you can rest assure that we are properly equipped and trained. While elementary schools are required to be equipped with these devices, child care centers are not...another Doodle Difference!

Air Quality
The quality of air inside a child care center is very important for obvious health reasons. Our commercial-duty HVAC system (heating and cooling) utilizes ultra-violet light in the ductwork to kill 99.9% of both airborne and surface bacteria, contaminants and viruses.

Hand Washing Protocol
Handwashing is proven to be the most effective way to maintain good health, so parents assist children in washing their hands as soon as they enter the classroom each morning. Child-friendly instructions on proper handwashing procedure are posted at each sink, so children can practice this healthy habit throughout the day. Faculty members also receive training on infection control, including proper handwashing and model best practices for the children in their care.

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